Earth laughs in flowers... Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
C.S. Lewis

Friday, May 8, 2009

Lunch with my Best Friend!!!

This is my sweet daughter!!!
She is also my best friend!!!
God was truly passing out the blessings
when he gave me this precious girl!!!
Everyday with her has been a joy!!!
We have never had the typical mother daughter
tension only love, fun and laughter!!!
I am a blessed woman!!!
She took me to lunch yesterday as an
early Mother's Day surprise!!!
We went to one of our favorite lunch spots Taco Diner!!!
I even have it listed as on of my
favorite spots on my sidebar.
We had the best lunch and the best time!!!
Sweet daughter being goofy!!!
Patio at our favorite lunch spot!!!
This is Mango is the most amazing yummy and refreshing!!!

Fish Taco...YUMMY!!!

Thank you my sweet girl for the great
afternoon and for being YOU...that is the real gift!!!

I hope every one is having a wonderful day!!!
Lots of Love!!!


Beth in NC said...

That is very sweet. Happy Mother's Day! :o)

Karen said...

OH! You are so lucky to have a daughter! What a a nice thing for her to do. And she is adorable at that!
Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Domestic Designer said...

Your daughter is lovely! It is great that you have such a good relationship.

robinthebruce said...

nice daughter,fabulous photos,great blog.

Brenda Pruitt said...

I've never had mango water. Or a fish taco! Wow. I need to get out more! She's lovely.

Betty Jo said...

Cathy your daughter is a beauty. She favors her mom. I'm so glad you have such a good relationship and had this time together. Yum! Would love to try the mango water, but no fish in my taco please. ♥

Laura said...

OK Miss Cathy-
After reading your post-
I really want to be with my girls-
I want to be at Taco Diner-
I want mango water.

Brooke said...

Your daughter is beautiful! That's awesome that you both have such a wonderful mother and I are close too. I hope you have a very Happy Mother's Day!

Helen said...

Your sweet daughter is incredibly lovely!!!!! Fish tacos are one of my most favorite treats and I have a great place to get them just blocks from my home. Happy Mother's Day.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Your daughter is adorable! She looks like you. Both of you have such sweet faces...
I had lunch with my daughter today...I am SO glad I had daughters.. :)
You sound SO proud!

Shaam said...

Aw. That's great that you get a long so well! You're really lucky :) Happy (early) Mother's Day. LOL

All the best,

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

May you have a wonderful Mother's day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

What a pretty girl you have! Daughters are so special, aren't they? I'm glad you enjoyed your special day.....I want some of that Mango Water. YUM!


Barb said...

Hi Cathy, your daughter is truly lovely...just like her Mom!

Your day out sounds so delightful. Happy Mother's Day sweetheart!



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