Earth laughs in flowers... Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Praying for Connor!!!


“I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done.”

Psalm 118:17

I received an e-mail this afternoon about sweet Connor. He is still fighting the good

fight. He has been Mexico receiving treatments. They are home now and waiting for

these treatments to work. Our church and school have decided to pray corporately

every morning at 7:00 a.m. I would love for anyone who is interested to join us.

His mother has requested that we include the above mentioned Bible verse in our


Thank you in advance for your prayers.

God bless you all!!!

Lots of Love!!!



Melissa Miller said...

Oh Cathy thank you for the update on precious Connor. I am praying hard for this brave little boy and his family. I have so many very young nephews I can't even imagine. My sister is even pregnant now with a boy. How sad for the family.

Thank you so much for your kind words on our tablescape! You are so sweet! And yes...I was chuckling to myself because I am most definitly a perfectionist. I have no idea where I got it from. LOL!
Isn't that a great bowl from SL? It's so heavy too. I was feeling a bit silly posting my "cloche". ~Whew! I'm so glad you like it.

Have a great evening.
~Melissa :)

blushing rose said...

TY for posting on Connor ... may the healing hand of the Lord touch Connor in His healing ways. TTFN ~ Marydon

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

OH Cathy may God embrace this young child with his love...Prayers coming your way...I will be joining at 7am each morning...thanks for the update...Hugs and love....Gl♥ria

Still Learning said...

I'll be adding Connor to my prayers!!


trash talk said...

Thank you. I was thinking of Connor also when I wrote that. Children are such a blessing.

Lillian Robinson said...

I do believe in the power of prayer! God healed me. I'll pray for Conner too.

Shaam said...

Aw poor thing. You're so sweet to spread the word for him.

All the best,

Joyce said...

Sure I will add him and the verse this AM. I do believe in the power of prayer.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Cathy, it is 7:30AM here and I said a prayer for him! Thanks for the update. Nancy

Amelia said...

I don't know who Connor is or his story, but I will pray for him also...God knows his needs and where he's at...

Barb said...

Sweet Cathy, I have been praying and will continue to do so. The power of prayer is truly awesome.....we have to lean on this!!

Blessings this day!

Hugs, Barb

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

I will keep Connor in my prayers.

Rebecca Nelson said...

You can count on me my friend. I would LOVE to join you in prayer for Connor.

You have a heart of Gold and God sees your goodness and grace. Sharing yourself with Connors family and those you love will one day rise up and call you blessed...


Sharing with Sherri said...

I don't know little Conner's story, but I pray he will be alright...

Take care
Sweet friend,

Tara said...

Will certainly pray!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Thank you for the update. You KNOW everyone will pray for him.
You are sweet to do a prayer request for him and his family.
Love and smiles..

Laura said...

I am sending good thoughts and prayers to Connor and to you.

As always, your blog is a treasure to visit,

Jennsmere said...

Just stopped in to catch up! I said a prayer for Conner with the scripture verse you posted. God is faithful to His Word!

Love the mosaic and Wordless Wednesday posts! Beautiful!

Be blessed,

Crystal said...

Hello Cathy,
Thank you for the update on Connor. I will continue to pray for him and mark my morning for 7:00 AM.
There is Power in Corporate Prayer.

Lisa said...

Prayer changes everything! I am agreeing with you for Connor's total healing.

jen said...

Praying for this precious little boy!


The Stylish House said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Connor and his family. I am saddened he is going through this, but I am thankful he is surrounded by love and friendship. Cathy

Alicia said...

Had my bowed head to the fold...*& I'll pass it on....

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

I am so behind on my blog reading, but I have continued to pray for Conner. I will now be making a special effort to be in prayer for him and for his family at 7:00 each morning. What a terribly sad ordeal for this child and his family. laurie


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