Earth laughs in flowers... Ralph Waldo Emerson

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
C.S. Lewis

Friday, April 24, 2009


Guess what I'm
thinking about?!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!!!
Lots of Love!!!


Barb said...

Hi Cathy! I love, love, love strawberries. All your pictures are so yummy looking!

Happy Friday and many, many blessings!


Chandy said...

Strawberries!!! Me too! Everything looks so good! I love this fresh post! ;-)

Betty Jo said...

No, no, no, no, no . . . just got in from yard sales, tired, hungry, and I opened your blog! Now I'm starved!! Oh My! These strawberries look incredible. ♥

Betty Jo said...

Thanks for the invite! Actually my friend just dropped by my apartment on her way out again and asked if I wanted a frozen mocha when she returns. I said yes, but your coffee and berries are truly tempting. Hang on . . . perhaps I can catch her on the cell before she gets to the coffee shop!! (wink!) ♥

Domestic Designer said...

Oh I love strawberries! Can I have a bite!

CIELO said...

Now I want to eat strawberries... and straberry ice cream! I'm in trouble ;)

Have a blessed weekend...


The Stylish House said...

This feels like spring time! I think I will go fix a bowl of strawberries for myself, yummy. Cathy

Shaam said...

Oh my I think I am going to have to go make some strawberry shortcake now. LOL

All the best,

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

I certainly want some strawberries, now! I agree...yummy! Thanks for sharing.

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Hi Cathy! Just wanted to thank you for dropping in on my blog. As for your ooooh so yummy post! Four words! Pass the whip cream!!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen said...

I love the strawberry basket in the first shot! I've been thinking along the same lines as you lately :)

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Cathy...

Just read your sweet note that you left on my Sunday Favorites happy that you came by and thank you so much for your sweet comments!!! I feel so honored that you chose to follow my blog...thank you!

Well my friend, as soon as I seen your fabulous blog header...I just knew that I was going to love your blog! I too, have added you to my list of blog follows! I just thumbed briefly down through your blog and it's absolutely delightful! I intend on coming back and spending some time really getting into the "nitty-gritty" of all of your posts!

I look forward to your upcoming posts and getting to know you very nice to meet you!!!
Warmest wishes,
PS...looking forward to having you participate in Sunday Favorites in the future!!!

Anonymous said...

You've got me thinking about them now too!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Cathy this looks so yummy..I love your blog very pretty and I will add you to me list to follow..may you have a great weekend my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

This week I've been on brain overload so I didn't see this post until just now. Everything looks so yummy! After getting through my first week of work I am on brain overload. If I can get through next week I think I will be o.k. Have a great week!

Judi said...

Hi Cathy\
Your pictures are soooo tempting. I wish I could have some sweet strawberries and cold ice cream how yummy!
have a lovely evening

Sharing with Sherri said...

This is the most scrumptious looking post I have ever seen!! I LOVE strawberries!! Strawberry shortcake, and strawberry ice cream are my faves!!
Those pictures are making my mouth water for some now!!!

Have a SWEET day!


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